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Injured in an Accident and Need a Home Caregiver?


I recently took on a case involving a pedestrian who was hit by a car, and suffered serious injuries. She lives alone, and her injuries made it difficult, if not impossible, for her to do chores at home, like preparing meals, cleaning, doing the laundry, watering her lawn, and driving to and from her doctor appointments and to refill prescriptions.

Because of her injuries, my client is unable to work. Her bills are piling up, and she does not have the funds to hire a home caregiver to take care of the chores.


Yes. If an accident victim’s injuries reasonably require the hiring of a home caregiver to handle chores around the home that the injured victim would have otherwise handled, then the defendant, or his/her insurance company is on the hook for that expense.

My office was able to locate a business that provides home caregiving and that was willing to provide those services on a lien basis. That means that the business agrees to wait to be paid until my client’s personal injury case resolves.

After an accident, you need an attorney on your side who will help you navigate through this difficult time, and make sure you get the medical treatment and services you need, without delay. You are not at the mercy of the other driver’s insurance company.

If you have been injured in an auto accident, a motorcycle accident, a truck accident, or any type of accident, call the Los Angeles personal injury lawyers at McGee, Lerer & Associates. We will help to get you the medical care and home caregiving that you need, all on a lien basis.(800) 999-9948.

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